McIntosh Mirror: Reflecting news in the Tosh

Want to impact your community? Many of McIntosh's citizen boards have open seats and a council at a loss as to how to fill them.

Light-up McIntosh December 15

Light-up McIntosh will begin at the Civic Center at 6:30 p.m. The event will host Santa Clause and an area choir from six local churches will sing.

06.14.07 -- BRIEFS: Council switches back to old Historic Ordinance, rescinds new water fee


posted by Cher @ 12:14 PM, ,

06.15.07 -- Letter to the Editor: School employee urges community response

Editor's note: Linda McCollum called me this morning to ask for help posting a comment about the ongoing discussion on the McIntosh school. She sent me the following letter to post, as is. She and I decided it might be better placed as a "letter to the editor" in a posting of its own since her wishes were for many in the community to read it.

The Mirror always encourages and welcomes letters and posts from the community.

McCollum is an employee of McIntosh Area Charter School and a long-time McIntosh resident. Her grandchildren go to the school, and her family has served on the school's board.

I work at the school. So, yes, I have a vested interest in the school. The reason I started working at the school is I raised my children in this community without the benefit of a community school. My grandchildren are now growing up here.

A community school is important because each child is known for who they are. The teachers and staff have a closer connection to each child's family.

A small community school fosters community spirit, pride and involvement. I challenge anyone who is either against the building of a school or who doesn't care one way or the other to volunteer at the school. We have all these young individuals who will be part of the future right here, eager to learn, to be respected for their individual strengths and weaknesses, who will always hold McIntosh in their hearts because they were part of McIntosh during these early formative years.

For those with concerns that the school is not financially sound, our books are a matter of public record. We have saved a considerable amount in a reserve account and it is now earning interest. When I started working at the school we couldn't afford any benefits. We now offer health care and 401K benefits to our full time staff. We added a part time PE teacher last year who will be full time this coming year. We did not receive capital improvement money until the 2006-07 year, so all lease payments for our buildings came from FTE funds.

In August we will open our doors for our 5th year. Our fifth grade class will be our first graduating class from McIntosh Area School. They have thrived and done well. We are proud of them.

The Town Council of McIntosh has supported the school by allowing us to occupy the office space and the land for the modular buildings for $10 a year. We could not have come this far without their support. Now we are ready for the next step. We want our students to have a permanent school building in which to attend classes. A new building would provide safe shelter for our students and promote community pride as well as enhance the value of our property. Young families will be encouraged to buy here when homes come on the market because they will have a small, community school for their children.

I urge all of the citizens of McIntosh to join the efforts of those who see the value of a community school. Talk to your neighbors about it. Call or write your council members and mayor letting them know how you feel. In early July we hope to have several meetings in neighborhood homes to dispense vital information regarding the financial obligations involved and how those obligations might impact the citizens of McIntosh. I believe we must all be well informed in order to make the right decision for our town.

Thanks for your time.
Linda Gail McCollum

posted by Cher @ 11:54 AM, ,

06.14.07 -- AUDIO: June Town Council Meeting

McIntosh Town Council Meeting June 14, 2007

Public hearing Citizen board
Repeal of historic ordinance
Council President speaks against repeal
Deaderick tabled Tree Ordinance
Regular meeting
Consent agenda
Matt Mathews county teen drug awareness program
Judy Greenberg presents blue marker in median proposal
Preliminary budget for next year
Mosquito Spraying
Water, boil water notice update
Message from Mayor
Update on Leytem code enforcement issues
Land Development code changes
Future Town Office Plan
Water enterprise account
Speed Control
Robert's Rules
City Manager
Ciotti -- Ice Cream for July 4
Deaderick - Trash pickup complaints
School options

Listen to the June 14, 2007 Town Council workshop:
(Internet Explorer users may need to click the start arrow twice)

posted by Cher @ 11:29 PM, ,

06.12.07 -- AGENDA: Council to meet Thursday night

Town Council Meeting
June 14, 2007
Civic Center
Immediately Following Public Hearing at 7:00 pm

Anyone wishing to place a subject on the agenda may do so up to 72 hours before the meeting by notifying the Town Office.
I) Call to Order, Lord’s Prayer, and Pledge to the American Flag

II) Roll Call

III) Consent Agenda:
All matters listed within the Consent Agenda have been distributed to each member of the McIntosh Town Council for reading and study, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion of the Council with no separate discussion. If separate discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda by request. Please call 591-1047 for questions on Consent Agenda items prior to the Council meeting.

A) Minutes of the Town Council Public Hearing of May 10, 2007 and Town Council Meeting of May 10, 2007
B) Financial Report for May 2007
C) Historic Preservation Committee Minutes – June 6, 2007

IV) Guests:
A) Matt Matthews of CCASA regarding Substance Abuse grant renewal approval
B) Judy Greenberg, Garden Club - Blue Star Memorial Marker

V) Citizen Board Committee Updates:

VI) Message from the Clerk:
A) 2007-2008 Preliminary Budget Overview
B) Intuit – Monthly fee ($25/month) for off-site backup
C) Mosquito Spraying
D) Installation of water tower telephone dialer

VII) Message from the Mayor:

VIII) Message from the Attorney:
A) Leytem Code Enforcement Violation Issue Status

IX) Old Business:
A) Land Development Code change issues
1) 50’ Traffic Triangle
2) 200’ Wetlands setback
3) Increase zoning amendment fees to cover actual land planning fee cost
B) Future Town Office Plan
C) Water Enterprise Account
D) Traffic Speed Control Measures

X) New Business:
A) Roberts Rules
B) City Manager

XI) Message from the Council:

XII) Citizen’s Comments:

Meeting Adjourned

***Notice to Board Meeting Attendees: As a courtesy to others, please ensure pager and cell phones are turned off during meeting***
Welcome to the Town of McIntosh Town Council meeting. All persons wishing to address the Town Council will be asked to limit their comments to the specific subject being addressed. However, in order to foster mutual respect between the Town Council and the public, it is requested that comments are directed at specific issues rather than personal comments directed toward Board members or staff.

Please note that if a person desires to appeal any decision made to any matter considered at the above meeting, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding be made, which record includes the testimony and evidence which the appeal is to be based.

posted by Cher @ 3:41 PM, ,

06.08.07 -- REPORT: McIntosh under water boil notice -- UPDATED

McIntosh is under a precautionary water boil notice until further notice.

In a phone interview on Friday evening Council Vice President Howard Walkup said town maintenance employee Paul Kelly told him the pressure gauge malfunctioned.

Walkup said the pressure gauge operates like a thermostat telling the pump when to shut on and off.

Friday evening, Mayor Marsha Strange said the water went out early Friday morning.

"They got it fixed fairly quickly," Councilman Lee Deaderick said.

Deaderick said he was pleased that the town was giving residents proper notice.

Walkup confirmed that they got the pump working, and someone will come out and fix it on Monday morning.

In the past during water failures, Kelly and other town employees stayed with the pump overnight watching. Walkup thought that they didn't think that would be necessary this time around.

Since March, the town has replaced some parts of the water system and is planning to build a fund to replace an aging pump. Walkup said the pressure gauge was not one of the parts that previously failed.

Water boil notices were circulated around McIntosh, posted on resident's doors.

The notice says that the town advises boiling water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth and washing dishes.

The notice cautions resident to boil water prior to use -- with a rolling boil of one minute. Another option is disinfecting water by adding 8 drops (1/8 teaspoon) of plain unscented bleach per gallon of water and allowing it to sit for 30 minutes. If the water is still cloudy after 30 minutes, repeat procedure.

Deaderick said the town had connected the Department of Health and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

Town officials said they did not know, as yet, how long the boil water notice will last. But it will last until they get results of the bacterial tests back to ensure the water supply is safe, which possibly could be next week.

Notices said the updates would be posted on the community bulletin board.

posted by Cher @ 7:46 PM, ,

05.31.07 -- Poll: Building a new McIntosh School

Check out the following story about building a new McIntosh Area School. Then, check in with what option you are leaning toward.

Poll closed. Thanks to everyone for participating.

Give the school the land: 8 votes, 16 percent
Help them build a school: 25 votes, 52 percent
Do nothing, keeping leasing land: 15 votes, 31 percent
I have a better idea: 0 votes, no one...

If you'd still like to voice your opinion, the comment section is still open

Have a better idea or more to say? Leave a comment in the forum.

(Poll began with 10,186.)

posted by Cher @ 12:24 AM, ,


Editor and Publisher:

I'm Cher From McIntosh, FL I'm a graduate student at the University of Florida working on a master's degree in Mass Communication. While I was finishing my undergrad degree in journalism last year, I reported on McIntosh, Fla. for an in-depth reporting class. I figured that the reporting and the public record files should go somewhere people can access them. Reporters don't report to keep the information they find to themselves. Some of that reporting is included here in a forum that allows response. McIntosh suffers because with no news coverage, the local government and the rumor mill have too much potential to run rampant over residents. I moved to McIntosh in the fall of 1999. My profile

About This Blog

The primary purpose of this blog is to accurately reflect what happens in town public meetings and dispel rumors. I record the meetings and make them available for download. One of the goals of this blog is to offer residents a place to voice opinions. The comments, views and opinions expressed there are not necessarily those of the editor.

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"Personal journalism is also not a new invention. People have been stirring the pot since before the nation’s founding; one of the most prominent in America’s early history was Ben Franklin, whose Pennsylvania Gazette was civic-minded and occasionally controversial." - Dan Gillmor, 2004, We the Media

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The news blog covers McIntosh, Fla. We strive to be accurate in our reporting. If you believe you something is inaccurate, please e-mail Cher Phillips at

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